Policy Papers

Product Sophistication and the Slowdown in Chinese Export Growth (2017) - joint with Mark Kruger and Sri Thanabalasingam
Bank of Canada Discussion Paper, Nr. 2017-15

Understanding the weakness in global: What is the new normal? (2016) - joint with IRC Task Force Members
ECB Occasional Paper Series, Nr. 178

The great normalization of global trade (2016) - joint with Alexander Al-Haschimi, Martin Gächter and David Lodge
VoxEU column

Does immigration affect election outcomes? Evidence from the United States (2016) - joint with Anna Maria Mayda and Giovanni Peri
Chapter 15 in “Refugees and Economic Migrants: Facts, policies and challenges”
VoxEU eBook - edited by Francesco Fasani

The role of China in the trade slowdown (2016) - joint with Guillaume Gaulier and Soledad Zignago
Version française
Mentioned in speech by Governor Powell

Specialization in international trade: facts, vulnerabilities and remedies (2016)
Banque de France: Rue de la Banque Nr. 20
Version française